The World Esperanto Youth Organisation (TEJO) in cooperation with the Council of Europe (CoE) and the Slovak Esperanto Youth (SKEJ) are organizing the training course (TC) ‘Diverse, but Equal: Educating Young People on the Intersectional Approach’. The training course will give the opportunity to 20 active non-formal education (NFE) trainers and educators from Council of Europe member states to be trained in the topic of intersectionality and tackling different forms of discrimination in their everyday work with young people. Our participants will have the chance through the training course:
- To introduce trainers to the intersectional approach when they design and deliver educational activities with young people in the context of NFE.
- To develop our participants’ capacity on the human rights based approach as trainers and educators, with a specific focus on intersectionality and combating multiple forms of discrimination.
- To equip these trainers with the necessary tools in order to disseminate the outcomes of the international activity throughout their personal or professional journey as trainers.
Additionally, during this training course we aim that the participants produce two intellectual/practical outputs:
- A training manual/toolkit for NFE trainers, educators and youth workers introducing them to the topic of the intersectional approach for educational activities by/with and for young people, especially those who come from vulnerable groups.
- A series of short videos by the TC participants on the concept of intersectionality and tackling multiple forms of discrimination while working with young people in order to raise awareness on these topics among youth organisations, educational and institutional stakeholders and young people in general.
The training course will take place between Wednesday 14th of July until Sunday 18th of July 2021 (travel days not included, trainers will be expected to arrive on Monday before the training course for a final preparatory meeting and/or preparation of the TC materials if needed and depart on Monday after the training course) in the TC venue in Bratislava, Slovakia (final venue TBC).
We are looking for 2 trainers/facilitators:
- With wide experience in Non-Formal Education and facilitating activities with and for young people;
- With a certain level of experience in social inclusion topics, ideally when it comes to detecting/combating discrimination and equal rights of young people;
- With the ability to work either in English or Esperanto or both.
The 2 trainers will be expected to:
- Prepare the training course’s content together with the TEJO project team;
- Design and prepare any materials they would need to perform the training;
- Deliver the sessions during the training course (either residentially or online, depending on the COVID-19 restrictions and the participants’ ability to travel to Slovakia);
- Contribute to finalizing the practical outputs of the TC, especially the training manual/toolkit the participants will produce during the TC, together with the TEJO project team.
- Provide a report on the sessions of the training course to the project team, after the completion of the training course, for the general reporting purposes.
All the costs for accommodation, meals and traveling will be covered by the project. Additionally, each trainer will receive 600 euros for the services provided, after the TC and after they finalize their reporting deliverables of the TC.
You can apply here by Tuesday, 18th of May 2021. You can contact spyros@tejo.org for any questions or clarifications.
Diversity and equal opportunities are very important to TEJO. We especially ask experienced women, non-binary or transgender people to apply.
COVID-19: Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the training course may be affected too. We are trying our best for it to take place as a residential activity in Slovakia in the above mentioned dates, but COVID-19 developments may affect the exact dates and/or the transition of the training course partially or fully online. In case it takes place residentially, we will follow all health recommendations and take all necessary safety measures: face-masks, hand sanitizers & disinfection, preferably have outdoor sessions (if the weather helps). In any case, the safety of the participants, trainers and organisers is our absolute priority, so adjustments may occur depending on how the pandemic develops in the next period.
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