The World Esperanto Youth Organisation (TEJO) in cooperation with the Council of Europe (CoE) are organizing the webinar ‘Climate Generation: Our Planet, Our Rights, Our Future’. The webinar will give the opportunity to 30 young people to learn more on the topics of environmental sustainability and human rights. Our participants will have the chance through the webinar:
- To raise their awareness on the connection between environmental protection/sustainability and respect of human rights;
- To exchange opinions, knowledge and good practices and learn from each other;
- To get introduced to the concepts of Human Rights Education and rights-based approach to young people in relation to environmental sustainability;
- To bring the knowledge of the webinar back home and spread the outcomes in their local communities in relation to climate advocacy and human rights.
The webinar will take place online between 3 weeks: 10th of May until the 30th of May. The working languages of the webinar will be English or Esperanto, based on the participants’ preference. There is no participation fee. It will be done in an asynchronous way, depending on each participant’s availability. Additionally, there will be one online non-mandatory meeting per week, on the following dates:
- Monday 10th of May 18:00-19:30 CEST;
- Wednesday 19th of May 18:00-19:30 CEST;
- Wednesday 26th of May 18:00-19:30 CEST.
We are looking for enthusiastic young persons who are:
- Between 18-35;
- Respectful and eager to learn;
- Interested in the topics of environmental sustainability and human rights, with no or small knowledge on the topic, but big interest to learn more and bring a change in your society.
You can apply by filling the form here by Sunday, 2nd of May 2021, 23:59 CEST. You can contact ker@tejo.org for any questions or clarifications.
Petik János
says on:Mi tre bedaŭras, ke publike trakti temon tiel fundamente gravan, kiel la klimatŝanĝo emas sole TEJO, kaj ankaŭ ĉi tiu – nur por gejunuloj. “Historia est magister vitae” – ĉu por TEJO-anoj la transpreno de spertoj de la maljuna generacio ne interesas?